COVID-19 Guidelines

Entering the building:
• We ask that all students and parents remain outside until a staff member opens the door to let students in. A no-contact temperature check will be conducted as each student and staff member enters. (Below 100.4 may enter as recommended by CDC). Parents are not permitted to sit in the waiting room, due to PA State Guidelines on capacity. We have a small amount of seating outside, socially distanced.
• Please have your child wear a face covering upon entering the building, masks are required in all of the common areas.
• Hand Sanitizing stations will be placed at the entrance, each person that walks in will be required to use the hand sanitizer provided.
• In the event of bad weather, we will utilize our side entrance through the parking garage where parents can drive through and drop their children off. You can also walk to the side door and wait in the parking garage if it is raining or snowing.
• Students will be escorted to their classroom by their teacher where they will stay for the remainder of their time, teachers will move studios while the students remain.
• Please arrive on time so that we are able to maintain a smooth flow of traffic in our waiting area.

During class time:
• Each student will be given a designated area to put their belongings inside the classroom, our dressing room will not be open.
• Each student will be assigned a 6’x7’ box that will be taped off on the floor where they will remain for the entirety of the class.
• Students will be allowed to take off their face coverings at that time or they can choose to keep them on.
• Face coverings must be worn to and from the bathroom. Hands need to be sanitized before coming back into the classroom.
• Water fountains will be taped and turned off. Please send a water bottle with your child.
• Vending machine will be operating and will be cleaned and sanitized daily.
• Teachers will wear face coverings at all times. Teachers will also use voice amplifiers when necessary.
• Teachers will conduct class from a designated area as well.

Exiting the building:
• Students will collect their belongings when their classes are over and will be instructed to put their face covering back on.
• Hand sanitizer will be provided by the teacher to each student upon leaving the studio.
• The teacher will escort the students to the exit where you can meet your child for pick-up. Please do not be late for pick up! Teachers need proper time to disinfect studios between classes, so please be on time!

ZOOM Option:
• If for any reason you do not feel comfortable sending your child into the studio for in person classes you will have the option of receiving zoom link and your child can participate online LIVE at home. **Acro classes do not have a ZOOM option, due to safety reasons.
• Tuition prices will be the same whether your student is participating online or in-person, there are no discounts.

Cleaning & Sanitizing:
• Each room will be cleaned and disinfected after the completion of each class with hospital grade sanitizer on all surfaces.
• Hand sanitizer will be readily available in all classrooms.
• No one will be permitted to linger in the common areas.
• Toys have been removed from the waiting room
Communication & Payments:
• A waiver will be communicated to you through email before the start of classes. It will need to be signed and returned to the studio before any use of the facilities is made. You can also bring it the first day of classes.
• All communication should be conducted through email, if you have any questions or concerns.
• Please let us know when your student will be absent by email.
• All tuition will be posted to your account. Please make your payments online through the parent portal which you can access through our website:

We have worked diligently to prepare these guidelines in order to keep all of our students and staff safe and healthy. We must stick to our protocols in order or to keep our students dancing in the studio. Please help us in doing so.